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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pokemon Go

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Pokémon Go unintentional health hack!?

The latest augmented reality app, Pokémon Go was released last week and faithful fans have fully committed to the slogan, "Get Up, Get Out, and Explore!" Pokémon Go player mission: capture as many wild Pokémon as you can, but you have to leave your couch…and your house.

Gamers and even some non-gamers get out your smart phone and begin your Pokémon adventure in your own neck of the woods. Players literally have to mill around the real world. I have to give the creators mad props because this game has motivated unintentional exercise. My husband has been a Pokémon fan since grade school. "It's the nostalgia the game brings," says my husband when commenting on why he wants to play. He has no problem taking longer evening stroll just to have the opportunity to find more. He bragged on how many miles he had walked since beginning. Others are also bragging out load on social media.

There is even an interval training workout

It make me wonder what more games like this could do for the state of obesity levels.....or will Pokemon be responsible for ridding the USA of obesity? I don't care how it happens, as long as it does.

Just remember to look both ways before crossing the street. Have fun!

Are you playing? What are your thoughts?

Let's chat Facebook| Twitter | Instagram or use #DietitianCindy

Check out this episode!

1 comment:

  1. Pokemon mania continues)) and the version of the Pokemon pokemon ruby rum I found on a popular platform perhaps you`ll also need it) So boldly download and enjoy your favorite characters.


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