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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Foodie Pen Pal Reveal!

The Lean Green Bean

Everyone meet my foodie pen pal, Ellie! She blogs over at Ellie Slices Bagels and her blog is worth a read! This month was the first time I have participated in Foodie Pen Pals. For those who are not familiar please visit The Lean Green Bean.

If you read my Cara Box post this story will sound a little familiar. 

A few days ago I came home, after a long stressful day, to a little surprise on my coffee table. Squealing like a teenage girl I tore open the box to find unusual, yet delicious treats!

Mo's Milk Bar- This is no typical chocolate bar. It is made with chocolate and bacon! Yes, bacon. It was delicious. You must try it in your lifetime!
 Dark Chocolate Almond Praline Bar- So rich and yummy that I gobbled it up in less then a minute.

 And Apple butter. Believe it or not I have never had apple butter...I know right?! I am putting it on everything. My favorite is whole grain English muffin with a big scoop. 
 Thank you Ellie! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to make a new friend!!

Continue reading as I continue my mission: Healthy Huggins

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