Hope~ All Smoothie Recipes
Ashlee~ ABpetite
I came across this challenge when I was over at Wannabe Green catching up on her life. At first, I have to admit I was a little skeptical. When I see things like this on the web it typically comes with some extreme rules like do not add fruits or dairy, only use soy, or make sure you add these super foods etc. But, this challenge only has 1 rule, "Add one green smoothie to your daily eats for 7 days straight." That's it no restrictions, just adding nutrient-rich foods to your daily eats! Love it! What a wonderful way to stay motivated and get excited about getting in your greens! As a dietitian, I want to give these ladies a gold star for encouraging their followers to focus on adding nutrition not taking away! I'm proud to promote this challenge and the hosts. Each day I will post my recipe of choice with the nutrient analysis! I hope you can join us in this challenge. Please, let me know if you have an awesome green recipe for me to try!
So glad you are joining in on the Green yummy fun!