On Monday October 17th I started on My 30 Day Journey to Health. My reasons are many and will be addressed in a follow-up blog post. I have been on an exercise hiatus for about 2 years. My daily routine is sedentary to light activity. I have been trying so hard to pull myself out of this rut. After many, many pity parties I have now decided to fully commit to regain good health. How am I going to do this? So glad you asked!
Side note/Confession of a Dietitian… I have been eating poorly, if at all. Honestly, I tend to skip meals and then opt for something high in refined carbs and/or high fat. I can hear myself now counseling…
“When you skip a meal your body freaks out and thinks it’s starving. In your head you are thinking this is a good idea because you are limiting calories. Reminder, Calories = Energy (you know, the stuff you need to walk, talk and breathe AKA live). At your afternoon/evening meal you will over consume calories because you think it’s ok since you skipped breakfast and lunch. WRONG! Yeah, I just screamed at you… I get it. It sounds like it makes good sense. Your body disagrees though. Unlike us, it’s still believes in consistent energy intake. That big meal that you eventually eat all goes to storage (yo fat cells). Because the body thinks you are going to continue to starve it, so it wants to be prepared when you do.”I give this speech to my clients literally every single day. The parentheses were for you though! We have to feed our body every 4-5 hours. This allows your body to trust you and it will begin to slowly let go of fat stores. My plan to to plan! Plan meals and snacks and plan my exercise and down time for the week. I'll share how I'm doing this along the way.
2. Start an exercise routine.
According to the online Webster dictionary routine is defined as:
- a regular way of doing things in a particular order
- a boring state or situation in which things are always done the same way
- a series of things (such as movements or jokes) that are repeated as part of a performance

When I counsel weight loss clients I always ask them if they had ever lost weight in the past and if so how did they do it. No matter your health goal you can ask yourself this question too. The most in love with an exercise I have ever been was when I attended Pure Barre in Mobile, Al. It was a game changer for me. I looked forward to these classes because of its structure.
Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective, yet safest way to change your body.The class structure is as follows:
- Warm-Up
- Arm Sculpting
- Thigh Toning
- Seat Lifting
- Ab Flattening
- Cool Down
Additional questions from the website:
What is Pure Barre?
Utilizing the ballet barre to perform small isometric movements set to fantastic music, Pure Barre is a total body workout that lifts your seat, tones your thighs, abs, and arms, and burns fat in record- breaking time.
What does Pure Barre do for my body?
By taking Pure Barre classes, you will burn calories and gain lean muscle. Its low-impact, isometric movements target and tone certain areas of your body, and your heart rate will go up and down depending on how hard you work.
How soon will I see results?
You can see results in just 10 classes! For optimal results, classes should be taken at least 3-4 times per week. Your actual results will vary, as it depends on how often you are coming and what you are eating!
See Your Strong
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My Monthly PB Plan!
Day 1
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Bible Study
Pure Barre @ 4:15
Pure Barre
@ 3:15
Day 8
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Bible Study
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Pure Barre @ 4:15
Pure Barre @ 8:15 am
Pure Barre @ 3:15
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Bible Study
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Pure Barre @ 4:15
Pure Barre @ 8:15 am
Pure Barre @ 3:15
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Bible Study
Pure Barre @ 5:30
Pure Barre @ 4:15
Pure Barre @ 8:15 am
Follow along on social media and don't forget to check out my podcast,
30 Second Bytes with Dietitian Cindy!
Disclosure: Pure Barre Tuscaloosa has comped me a 1 month unlimited membership in exchange for marketing via my blog and social media outlets. All comments, thoughts, and opinions are my own. I believe in blogging with integrity and will always be overly truthful with my wonderful readers.
Quite an inspiring story full of wisdom. Not just health conscious people, even the spiritually insecure ones should get a load of this. An exhibition of fine writing. Absolutely splendid work.