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Monday, January 30, 2012

New year New you

Well, it's here, a new year so that means resolution time. Brian and I really didn't have any resolutions. I just wanted to continue to grow in my career and enjoy life everyday. Make memories, as my mom would say!

According to polls, only 64% of those who made resolutions are still going strong. Give it another 5 months and only 46% of you will be left battling it out. This year, don’t think of it as a New Year resolution; let’s start New Year habits, as Registered Dietitian Sara B says in her blog. I respect her bluntness, “JUST DO IT! No fried food, yes you have to eat your veggies and fruits at each meal." sarabconsulting  It is all about lifestyle change. Make smalls steps toward a healthier you!

Got it? Well if ya need more, see below!

Tips for the New You!

1. Get mentally focused. Remove barriers in your life that may cause you to lose focus on what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps getting rid of the husband may be a bit extreme =)

2. Self Affirmation- Look it up! 

3. Throw out the "diet" and explore a new way of eating. Mediterranean Diet

4. Buy Fresh and support local farmers.

5.  Exercise TV Well hello home gym!

6. Train for a marathon or start with a fun run. Active.Com

7. Get out doors more. Alabama Parks

8. Be optimistic and focus on your goals! Being optimistic = living longer 

9. Find a dietitian in your area! RDfinder
He or she can individualize a weight loss plan for you, give you a grocery store tour, rebuild a better pantry and provide you with realistic achievable goals to keep you from failing. 

Keep reading as I continue with my mission: Healthy Huggins!

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