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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Getting to know you

Alabama Women Bloggers

1. What part of the state do you call home?
Tuscaloosa, Alabama! Roll Tide!

2. How long have you been blogging?
I started my blog in 2010 just after I got married! However, it wasn't until recently when I started putting at little bit more time and effort into growing NewlyWed Nutrition! 

3. Why did you start blogging?
I started this blog for several reasons. One, I love to tell stories!! Secondly, I wanted to share my expertise as a dietitian. I love to eat and so does my husband and at times we don't see eye-to-eye however, we do our best to compromise...and this is how Newlywed Nutrition was born!

4. What is your favorite part of being a member of the Alabama Women Bloggers community?
The connection with other Bama bloggers!! Everyone is so supportive of each other.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully, with a baby on each hip and still happily married to my B!

6. If you could choose an actress to play you in your life, who would you choose and why?
I would totally choose Natalie Portman. She has been one of my favorite actresses since I was a wee babe.

7. Name 5 things on your Bucket List that you hope you’ll check off before you die?
Oh gosh, I really don't think about things like this...but I'll give it a try. 
  1. Travel out of the country
  2. Have a six-pack =)
  3. Walk a red carpet (I'm not picky as too where it is!)
  4. Write a book
  5. Be a Fox News contributor
8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be and why?
My compassion for others. I truly believe God works through me each day to bring joy to others. I'm not out saving the world by any means, but I do send a smile someones way or lend a helping hand where I can.

9. Describe the best moment in your life.
The day I accepted Jesus Christ into my life as Lord and Savior. I was 11 years old when my good friend walked me up to the pulpit one Sunday morning. The following Sunday I was baptized at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Coker, Al. Funny story, as I was stepping into pool of water I missed the last step and feel completely under..ekk.. It was quite embarrassing. 

10. If you could “be” anything (no consequences, no fear), what would you “be”?
Hum, not sure how to interpret "be" so I'll just run with it...
I would be a Movie star living in Hollywood, floating in cash, hanging with Britney Spears, getting the first pick of the next big blockbuster! I would have it all in the Hollywood Hills! Sounds extremely shallow I know but I would put my fame to good use. I would be the Hollywood "sweet heart." Every since I was a little girl I wanted to be an actress. I use to sign all of my letters "this will be famous one day!" ha! But, life had other plans for me!

Head shots!!

11. What or who inspires you to blog?
Everyone and everything! My husband and my family! My clients and patients! The great need to get RELIABLE nutrition information to the public. YOU, yes you! Chances are I have stumbled across your blog and saw your passion which inspired me! 

12. We’re headed to your neck of the woods… what restaurant would you recommend?
Mexican: Los Torascos
Italian: DePalmas 
Mediterranean: Hooligans
Japanese: Hokkaido
Southern: The Number One Place You MUST Visit is CITY CAFE! They only serve breakfast and lunch and they close at 3:00 p.m. They are also closed on the same holidays as the University of Alabama. If you go during lunch be prepared to stand in line and wait, but it is worth it!! 
Bad pic, but you can see the food!!

13. What’s a southern tradition you and your family have?
Football Saturday is second to Sunday in my family! Every Saturday we are cheern' on the Tide! My sister even records the games and plays them on Saturday during off season!

14. If you could pick your favorite blog post from your blog this year, what would it be?
My favorite post from this year is my Mother's Day post! Mom's Famous Banana Pudding!

15. We all love social media, tell us your links so we can follow you!

Newlywed Nutrition on Facebook
Cindy Jade Huggins on Facebook
Instagram @cindyjade 

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Nice to meet you, and Roll Tide!! Can I come hang with you and Britney Spears please!?

  2. LOVE getting to know you a little better! And, we love having you as a member of our blogging community!! We look forward to all of your posts, and hope to have you do a guest post for Foodie Friday one day soon!! Thanks for linking up!

  3. First off, Roll Tide! Loved reading your answers. There is nothing like game day in t-town. Something you just have to experience for yourself!

  4. I have several year books with "Cindy Jade this will be famous one day" signature!

  5. I lived in Tuscaloosa my freshman year of college and DePalmas became my favorite restaurant there pretty quickly!
    I love the background for you blog too!

  6. Great post! It's great to "meet" another football/SEC fan (ROLL TIDE)! I love that you've always wanted to be an actress!

  7. I'm echoing all the Roll Tides from other comments. I miss City Cafe, Hooligans, and DePalmas. I need to have a vacation in Tuscaloosa just to eat at all my favorite spots!

  8. Roll Tide! We were in T-town in April for the A-day game. That was our first trip there but looking to go back on a non-game day and check out the campus...ya know, boring, tourist kind of stuff. That food looks ah-mazing..will definitely try and remember that.

    Found you on Twitter and Bloglovin'

  9. I've seen a few of your posts and am excited to see more. Thanks for helping us learn to eat better ;) Nice to meet you!
    And, Roll Tide!

  10. City Cafe is the thing I miss the most about Ttown. I think it's because it's so hard to visit once you become a "grown-up" in another city. I've been tempted to take a day off work just to go there for lunch. Ha!


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